Monday, December 24, 2012

Public Relations the Godfather way.!

Here's what I have come up with hope you people like it..
It goes like this...
I watched the movie Godfather trilogy a few times and while doing that a thought popped up in my mind and it was that how can I relate this movie with public relations. The very first thing which came to mind was I can't say that the characters playing godfather did public relations but yes they did something's which is public relation. Here it is not about media relations or writing a press release , here it was about how godfather maintained his relations with his people and the way he carried his image amongst them even after being a mafia. People who came to him always had respect,love and less fear. The love and respect he got was not because of his mafia image but because he was a huge hearted man and ready to help at any cost by going out of his way. This actually helped him a strong and trusted relationships with his public and fellow mates. Now one might think this is not public relations but being a public relations professional what is important for us to take from this movie is trust and the way we treat our public and hold them together till the end. The people who were close to godfather or who were lucky to experience the generosity of godfather were ready to sacrifice their lives for him.In public relations its not about sacrificing lives that would be too much but yes we do expect that our public external or internal have faith in us and come to our rescue by helping us when needed because in public relations the data base of our contacts is our bread and butter.

 We don't have to be a mafia in real life but sarcastically saying we can be mafia in our profession in a positive way by having a strong and trustworthy people around us.

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