Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Public Relations and Sports Organisation Image management

Today I am going to share some of my understandings after reading few research papers on how an Image is important for a sports organization or what role does a Image management plays in sports organization and what is the role of Public Relations in it.

To began with

“Public relations communicate the news, influence the news, receive the news, and responds to the news for a brand via the media. It’s the art and science of talking to the right audience in the right voice. PR is the communication hub of an organization. It influences and shapes a company’s image, reputation, brand perception and culture. PR connects a brand and its public via direct messages or editorial media including print, broadcast, radio, digital, video or social media. Before social media, a company had one voice; now social media encompasses an orchestra of voices that contribute to a company’s image, reputation, brand perception and its public community” (Buyer)

"An image is synthetic. It is planned: created especially to serve a purpose, to make a certain kind of impression." (A person's image is) "a visible public personality as distinguished from an inward private character.
"By our very use of the term we imply that something can be done to it; the image can always be more or less successfully synthesized, doctored, repaired, refurbished, and improved, quite apart from [though not entirely independent of] the spontaneous original of which the image is the public portrait." (The Image; A guide to Pseudo-Event in America, 1962)

After culture, comes a sport which divides communities by increasing the level on entertainment. People follow their favourite sport as a religion it can be cricket, football or any other sports.
“Globally, sport is a unique and powerful cultural phenomenon which both unites and divides communities as well as engendering an increasing element of entertainment value” (etal, 2007)
The purpose of this review is to know how can Public Relations help in the image management process of a Sports organization to publicise itself among the people increase the participation in sports. It also tries to find out that dose an Image of a sports organisation has any role to play in the increasing number of participants in sports. The framework has been constructed on the process of organisation image management. To create, maintain, and when necessary and needed, regain a desired image in the eyes of organisational stake holders is what organisation image management referred as.An organization’s image “is a holistic and vivid impression held by an individual or a particular group towards an organization and is a result of sense-making by the group and such communication by the organization occurs as top managers and corporate spokespersons orchestrate deliberate attempts to influence public impression”, As what understood from the quote given by (Hatch & Schultz, 1997).

For being successful and at the top of the chart research helps demonstrate or see to it that the organisations sustain a desirable image. The chances of succeeding will simultaneously decrease if the organisations do not engage themselves in a successful image management process says (Seeger, Sellnow, & Ulmer, 1998).This study suggests that every organization will have to work its best and try out new techniques to sustain or maintain their image which will ultimately help them in being successful and at the top and a leading one.

An image is projected or portrayed to the surrounding with the help of the social phenomena as their function by the sports organisation. This image derives from a variety of facets: the connotations of the sport, the personalities of its leading exponents, its system of awards, etc. Sport encompasses a rich range of values and symbols. All these aspects can be expressed in image. The concept of image within the framework of marketing has been ascribed many meanings. (Ferrand & Pages, 1999) The study of above paragraph says that a an Sports Organisation showcases its image with the existing assets in the organisation like the awards the poses, the kind of fame their sports person have or the kind of sports training they give to the players.
It has been defined as:
 (1) General characteristics, feelings or impressions (Jain & Etgar, 1976)

(2) Brand personality (Arons & Martineau, 1961 ; 1958)

(3) Linkages between characteristics and feelings/emotions (Oxenfeldt, 1974)

(4) A set of associations generally organised in a significant way (Aaker, 1991) and

(5) The set of beliefs consumers hold about a particular object (kolter & Amstrong, 1996).

(Aaker, 1991)considered that the representations which build an image can include perception which may or may not reflect the objective truth. Image as such suggests a form of current social knowledge shared by a group of people. Such shared social knowledge aims at a concrete management and mastery of the physical and socio-cultural environment. Image can thus direct both behaviour and communication activity as it works towards the establishment of a common vision of reality in a given social or cultural group. This understanding of image lends itself to the symbolic fields specific to a sport, club or an event. We can conclude from these latter definitions of image that a sporting organisation, as a social object or phenomenon embodies a stock of image capital.”
The above study states that the presentation which builds a framework of an image can have perceptions which may or may not reflect the objective truth. A group of people or a set of people sharing a form of current social knowledge about the organizations is considered to be the Image. Thus it creates a social-cultural surrounding and helps in aiming at proper management. Image can thus direct both behaviour and communication activity as it works towards the establishment of a common vision of reality in a given social or cultural group. This understanding of image lends itself to the symbolic fields specific to a sport, a club or an event. We can conclude from these latter definitions of image that a sporting organisation, as a social object or phenomenon embodies a stock of image capital.

(Aaker, 1991)has analysed the contribution of image to the value of brand equity and we suggest that this framework can be applied to sporting organisations. Image can assist in the process of sifting and assessing information because it synthesises a set of characteristics. It can help an individual interested in sport to extract information from a vast array of available services and to make sense of it. For example, a deeply involved supporter will keep himself regularly and accurately informed by buying specialist magazines, whereas an uninvolved person will not even see the billboards advertising an event”.
According to his suggestion the framework or the built-up of Image which has a value of brand equity (value in itself as a brand) can also be applied to sporting organisations. Image can assist in the process of sifting and assessing information because it synthesises a set of characteristics. It can help an individual interested in sport to extract information from a vast array of available services and to make sense of it.

It is not easy to manage this brand image process for a sport organisation in today’s environment. According to (Payne, 1996), the marketing director of the International Olympic Committee, there are four keys to the successful management of sports organisations: viz. total control, integration of all different programs together, a positive relationship with the business community partners and professionalism. Successful sports management must also take account of pressures and barriers, both internal and external as sports organisations are operating in an increasingly complex and competitive. They have common goals: to create loyalty amongst members, to increase the number of their spectators and to manage their sponsorship relationships.

The sports organisation are getting more and more cautious and taking an extra effort to maintain their image in the society. There is an increasing identification that behaviour of all those who are involved with a sporting organisation which includes the member’s, sporting spectator, journalist sponsor, etc. get influenced by the power of the image. Some people consider that the image plays an important and vital role in the consumer behaviour and thus which leads to the change in the brand equity.

Despite the growing propensity of sport organisations to engage with CSR, there has been little academic analysis of the role of sport and social responsibility. Little is known about which elements of CSR are being addressed and which aspects can be most successfully addressed by sport organisations. Sport is demanding on the physical environment. Environmentally responsible business practices are an element of CSR in that they are often initiated for reasons other than to make a firm money (but sometimes do), they are not(always) required by law, and they benefit society (Babiak & Trendafilova, 2011). The study says that there is an increase in inclination bye the Sports organizations to do CSR to maintain their image in the market. As sports organizations do CSR on the basis of physical environment, environment being one of the aspects of CSR the organizations earn money as well as some publicity which helps in their Brand image management.

Action has been taken in the past, at various levels, to study the sports scenario in the country and analyse India’s performance in international sports. In 1987, a Committee, headed by Shri Amrik Singh, was appointed by the Government to study the report of IOA on the performance of India in the Xth Asian Games at Seoul. In 1991, Government constituted another Committee, headed by Shri M. M. Rajendran, to review all the schemes.

The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development also took up India’s performance in international sports as a subject for special study and presented the 34th Report on the subject, covering every aspect of sports, in 1995. The Committee further deliberated on a wide range of issues concerning sports in 1998 vide the Action Taken Report (77th Report) of the Committee.
In these Reports, the Committee has, inter-alia, again emphasized the need for bringing about reforms in sports management and governance urgently to make it more dynamic, responsive, responsible and result-oriented. 

Some of the problems and issues identified by Committee in their reports are summarized below:

(a)      Lack of a sports culture and consciousness in the country;

(b)      Non-integration of sports with education;
(c)      Lack of proper co-ordination amongst the Centre, States, Federations/Associations and various private and public sector undertakings;
(d)      Lack of infrastructure in the rural areas and its concentration in urban/metropolitan centres;
(e)      Under-utilisation of available infrastructure and its poor maintenance and upkeep;
(f)       Lack of good quality and affordable sports equipment’s;

(g)      Absence of adequate incentives for the youth to take up sports as a career;
(h)      Lack of a system for proper identification of talent;

(i)        Unfair selection procedure and last minute finalization of teams;

(j)        Lack of adequate exposure and specialized training/coaching of international standards;
(k)      Non-availability of nutritious diet for sportspersons;

(l)         Inadequate participation of women in sports;

(m)      Lack of committed administrators with love and knowledge about sports;

(n)      Lack of modern facilities for sports science, sports medicine, psychology, etc.; and

(o)      Inadequate allocation for sports in the budget.

The best way to increase the participation in sports at first we will have to see where dose the organisations stand what records it has created and what type of sports person it has created which will help in its Image management and automatically people will start recognizing the organization and the participation will increase. Provide the best coaching and conduct effective Public Relations campaign for the people to know about your existence. Conduct a time to time event like for say a sport competition and telecast it through a local television channels this might help maintain the Image and even increase the participation.     

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